The problem that some of us Christians have with evolution is that some take the bible way too literally. You hear them say “because it’s not biblical”, as though the bible is the book of “everything”. Well guess what, the bible doesn’t mention the North American Continent, or manned flight, or microwave ovens (and everyone has to admit that cooking with microwave radiation is pretty cool!). Anyway, people back then were pretty simple, and it would have been useless to explain the big bang theory to them. So, they told simple stories, parables if you will. Evolution should not take away from your beliefs. Maybe it is time to put away the “fuzzy bunny slippers of religion” and put on a pair of “Sharper Image genuine leather slippers of religion”. The place for religion is now, not 6,000-10,000 years ago. So, am I right, or am I completely out of my mind????
God Bless...and my the Force be with you...and hellfire and brimstone.
It’s not biblical?
Funny. Perhaps there is some possibility that Christians, Atheists, Muslims, Agnostics and everyone else can all get along if we start thinking like this. Yes, there has to be evolution (pardon the pun) in terms of morality and our spiritual understanding as well as our understanding of reality.
If something being in the Bible makes it true and not being in the Bible makes it false... then why aren%26#039;t we still practicing slavery? The Bible says slaves should obey their masters. So it goes both ways... a lot of things, as you pointed out, which are true and real weren%26#039;t mentioned in the Bible and a lot of things that were commonly accepted and practiced in the Bible are wrong and what the Bible says about these things should be abandoned.
Reply:The Bible says God spoke the world into existance. So evolution is totally contrary to God%26#039;s Word.
%26quot; For in six days the Lord created the heaven, the earth, the sea, and all that is in them.%26quot;
%26quot;By the Word of the Lord were the heavens created and all the host of them by the breathe of His mouth...for He spake AND IT WAS DONE; HE COMMANDED AND IT STOOD FAST%26quot;.
Doesn%26#039;t sound like evolution to me.
Reply:dude. its one or the other. God didn%26#039;t make us evolve. he created adam. then eve. if you are a christian, i dont understand. sometimes we try to make up ways for our mind to comprehend everything, and well.. its just the thing, we%26#039;ll never understand. God is wayy to complex for us.
Reply:I think that man%26#039;s pride, once again, is what allows man to be blinded by evolution. For instance, most men and many women are too proud to admit that they don%26#039;t know how to get from point A to point B, much less will they admit that they DO NOT know how man came into existence. We always have to have an answer and sometimes... when we are left hanging... not having a blatant answer... we supply our own for our pride%26#039;s sake. We must be %26quot;all-knowing%26quot;... too bad that we cannot be safisfied to know that we were created by a loving heavenly Father who supplied for each and every need we will ever have since we were the reason for creation. Each of us, even Christians, need to humble ourselves and realize that we will never be able to comprehend the majesty and power of our Creator. Therefore, I personally do not think that %26quot;religion%26quot; or science will ever be able to give us the answers we desire.
Reply:None of us were around 6000 years ago, let alone 1,000,000,000.
So do we really know what happened before recorded history. No.
As for Evolution... when we argue about Evolution or Creation..its so stupid. We have both. God created everything, back in the day, and then over the years certian things have evolved.
Somebody look up the definition of %26quot;Evolution%26quot; please. It means %26quot;to change%26quot;
Reply:Yup, religion is now. We%26#039;re now, not 6,000-10,000 years ago. But then, the book of Revelation is pretty descriptive of things future, way beyond the knowledge of the time. I don%26#039;t think God is limited by time and simple minds, if He wants us to know something. May the Force be with you.
Reply:I can only say for myself............. I believe in God and the Bible is his word. I don%26#039;t believe in the so called %26quot;Big Bang%26quot;. Look around and see all the beautiful flowers, trees, mountains, rivers, animals
All this didn%26#039;t come from a %26quot;Big bang%26quot;.
Good night and God Bless
Reply:you sound a little confused
Reply:Not compleatly... just a little bit off... God%26#039;s Word is as much for now as it was %26quot;then%26quot;... That said... All science is from God... thus all science is good... But man has not yet learned how to use all of God%26#039;s science so is continualy mucking it up... If man did;nt foul it up all of mankind would be living in plenty and peace.
Reply:Pardon the foolishness of the point, but there is really no way someone could describe a %26quot;big bang%26quot; theory as if they saw it first hand. String theory tries, but it falls woefully short. Also, Genesis 1 shows all of matter being created. So how is this %26quot;new%26quot; religion better than my old one?
Reply:so how do you think all the planets for the ages stay in one place and don%26#039;t collide? do you think the complexity of the human body was happenstance and it just came together? like a bunch of junk on the sidewalk decides to jump together and form a swiss watch? some one created these things!! an intelligence and He is God. you%26#039;re not out of your mind but in it, so, get out! our minds are a terrible place to be it%26#039;s where most the bad thoughts comes from. ask the Lord where it all came from and He%26#039;ll make it known to you in your heart not your mind. God bless! May His love and peace be with you.
Reply:You may be correct in that the leather slippers are required. Unfortunately, the thing about the Bible not being correct on all issues of faith and practice.... You farkin usshole. What gives you that idea? Can%26#039;t you read between the lines? There is so much room to navigate, an oil tanker could maneuver without issue.
Can you see that Adam and Eve lived in the garden for 1 year? maybe 10 years? How about 500 years? I could venture to say even 1,000,000 years before they sinned and were cast out. The Bible is silent on the amount of time they spent in the garden.
I%26#039;m talking now too. you can%26#039;t pull that $hit here, not with me.
Look for ways to unite the body of believers instead of dividing them and you do your self and the bride better good then harm.
Reply:The reason why Christians are against the theory of evolution is because it teaches that God doesn%26#039;t exist.
Reply:Not mentioning something in the Bible doesn%26#039;t make it non existant. However, to say %26quot;Man evolved from apes%26quot; when the Bible says God created man from the dust of the earth and woman from his rib.... is to say the Bible is wrong. If you are going to say the Bible is wrong on one thing, you need to say it about the whole thing, because if it can lie about one thing, nothing else can be trusted.
Reply:Mabey it%26#039;s time to put away fuzzy bunny thinking.
Reply:Ever heard of a comparison? There is nothing new under the sun, that has never been done before. People live, people reproduce, people compete, people invent things, people die.
What is new? God caused the big bang if there ever was one and He IS the force behind The Force.
Reply:I%26#039;m atheist but your point was so fresh and relevant I%26#039;m leaning towards agnosticism.
Be prepared for detractors!
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds..................Albert Einstein
Reply:The whole point of the creation event in Genesis is to give truth to the fact that God did create everything. That truth still stands in our day to give testimony to the fact that there is an all-knowing God who created everything. How he created it is an entirely different matter and how long it actually took Him is also up for debate. The problem most people experience when trying to see the big bang theory as plausible, is that it denies the creative aspect of God and the truth still stands...Nothing, absolutely nothing came into existance without the creative Hand of God.
Reply:The bible is the Word of God and can be used as a source of confirmation. When God speaks to us He speaks to our hearts and then provides confirmation by two or more witnesses as to what He is saying. It will come to us by way of the spoken word and the written word. %26quot;The big bang theory%26quot;, is a Scientific way to explain away how the creation began. All matter is a matter of perception. Now if God spoke and said,%26quot;Let there be light%26quot;, and suddenly there was light then who knows what kind of sound that made in the void? It could have been a bang or it could have been a pop, because sound is also a product of perception. Since no element of hearing was there but God%26#039;s way of hearing then it was an impression on the void and if it made a big bang then it was God%26#039;s choice because dimension it%26#039;s self was only perceived by Him at that time. Demension being size, and shape, and sound, etc. the bible is TRUTH and must be discerned spiritually. It is not about human perception, it is about reality.
Reply:no cooking with microwave is not good it kill all thing u need for your body to work right
u need to read the Bible
God the same today as was yesterday and well tomorrow
and it dose talk about American not by name but the land who army has short hair from the west
Reply:The Bible says God made Adam from clay and made Eve from a rib from Adam. He made them and He blew into them to give them a spirit. He said He wished to make them in His own image. Well God is a spirit and He cannot be seen by our eyes unless He does something special to communicate to us, so what is this image that we both share? I think it is the part of us that never dies, or our spirit. Maybe there evolved other man-like creatures even before Adam was made? I do not know but they did not have spirits. That gift came from God only through the line of Adam. And that is the religion RIGHT NOW!!!! You are a son of Adam. When Adam fell from a time of fellowship with God because he failed a little test---do not eat from this tree because if you do then you will die----Adam fell to a spiritual death of separation from God and all his sons fell with him. So now we all, including you right now, are born sinners......and how can God who is too perfect to talk to sinners , how can He talk to us? Only a perfect sacrifice could cover the sin and restore the fellowship.....that is what Jesus was for. He knew He came to die for us, if we do accept His action on our behalf. The birth of Jesus was predicted while Adam was still alive. God told Eve that her heel, or one of her sons, would crush the head of the serpent, or the fallen angel, Satan. And He did. God was the Father of Jesus and not Adam and so Jesus escaped original sin. He was the secret weapon. The war between good and evil is over but there is still some cleaning up to do before the end. Lots of scientists who believe things evolve also believe in God%26#039;s creation of the world. God said let there be light and BANG--the big bang. String theory fits nicely with the Bible. It says the sky will roll up like a scroll. So if we are all living on a membrane it is all ready to roll up, right? Jesus walking through walls, no doubt in and out of the parallel universes which He created. The Bible says entropy would consume the world if He did not protect it by His own hand. Makes sense to me.
Did you ever ask yourself what God wants? He wants you to be saved and go to heaven to live with Him. right? Then why is it that right after you receive the Lord as your savior, they do not shoot you in the head and send you on to glory? It is because God wants SONS%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;!!!!SONS ...just like Jesus..walking all over the earth ready to respond and do whatever He asks. What could God not accomplish if He just had YOU? I mean He HAD you. You were ready and you trusted Him completely and any old dumb thing He wanted , you would not ask questions and would just do it or say it or give it or not do it and He could influence many people through you. That is real religion right now.!! Tell God you want to learn to trust and obey Him and see what you as a team can do. The Force is not personal but God is very up close and personal. Forget the Force.
Reply:Your logic is flawed.
The Bible doesn%26#039;t mention you specifically either, but here you are.
There are many great reasons to disbelieve evolution and believe a literal six days of creation. Below is a link to some of those reasons:
Reply:Holes, they all have holes.None of them give you all the information.I just trust in Him..Faith.His ways are not our ways and our thoughts are not His thoughts.I%26#039;ll have to wait until I see Him to ask Him. Blessings VIJ
Reply:You%26#039;re on the right track sister... also keep in mind the hundreds of other creation stories there are throughout cultures and history. How can you be certain that the one in the Bible is correct?
PS. Som of the people today are just as simple, so cut them some slack ;)
Reply:So than you are sugesting the bible is not accurate? The Bible and evolution cannot coexist because God made the animals each individual %26quot;according to their kind%26quot;
Reply:You are right. Everything that Jesus taught back then is still relevant today.
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